Check out Vanessa’s talk at Impact Travel Alliance on Implementing a Holistic Approach to Sustainability and please help support ITA’s efforts to build a sustainable future. Description of the session is below!

This session will take a look at a holistic view of sustainability that combines ecological concerns with social ones. We will look at travel in developing countries in urban as well as rural settings, with an emphasis on travel that is both ethical and ecologically sensitive. We will look at non traditional forms of tourism such as cultural or heritage tourism, eco-tourism, glamping, edu-tourism, and voluntourism, among others. Their will be a workshop portion focusing on creating development solutions for two very different potential sites, one urban, the other rural and remote.

Attendees will leaving being able to answer:

  • How are tourists different from travelers?
  • How can travel be used to create economic opportunity, upliftment and empowerment as well as deeply meaningful and transformative experiences for the traveler?
  • How can we plug into the local setting and engage with the people who are already there in a sensitive and sustainable way?

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